i'm not mad. i'm a writer.

No matter how challenging your flight starts off, you can truly go somewhere great! Today, I am witnessing my oldest son Christopher, graduate from Stanford University School of Business with his Master’s Degree. It’s amazing and inspiring to see him accomplish yet another great feat! I gave birth to him as an unmarried 18 year old daughter of a bishop and his father who is my husband now but was my then boyfriend who’s an immigrant from Kingston, Jamaica. The odds were against him. People said some of the most awful things about me, his father and our son. They said my son would never amount to anything. His father, my now husband of almost 29 years and I didn’t have our “act” together then, but we never gave up. We tried. We sincerely wanted to see our son go somewhere great and today we see him yet again shutting the mouth of every naysayer! He’s knocking down another barrier, finishing another milestone, going to another level. It’s not only a blessing to see him do this; it’s downright inspiring!!!

This made me think how awesome it is to see someone you love graduate and go to a new level. Sure, it’s graduation season and people are doing just that and that just goes to show that no one can control how far you go except you! People can say whatever they want about you. What matters most is what you say to yourself. People are indeed going to another level, many in spite of their overwhelming past. These amazing individuals deserve to be celebrated. There are those like my son Chris, who are determined that no matter how challenging their start was – they are committed to going somewhere great! How about you? I encourage you to dream without boundaries today. That no matter how hard your life began, you can accomplish ANYTHING! You can accomplish your goals and fulfill your dreams no matter who your parents were, how little resources you had, no matter your race or religion, or any negative word spoke against you; you can go places!!! I’m here to tell you that it’s possible!

Watching my son graduate with his Master’s Degree from Stanford and break down barriers is motivating!! It’s literally possible that all of us can go to whatever destination we can imagine. What’s holding you back? I challenge you not to let anything set you back. Not money, lack of support, or encouragement or resources; you can get there! I’m here to tell you that anything is possible. The only thing that can stop you from getting “there” is you. Stop talking yourself out of your next level! Take off! There are others waiting on you to knock down an invisible wall and make the impossible POSSIBLE!

Copyright ©️ 2019 Sherry Grant

#therealestlifecoach #goingplaces #travel #gsb #flying #flight #destination #mindset #stanford #mentality #people #blogger #blog

2 thoughts on “A Stanford Take Off

  1. Danielle Whitehead says:

    This a huge boost of inspiration! Thanks for sharing… heart emoji

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Inspiring people is the main reason I do this blog! Thanks for sharing that!


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