i'm not mad. i'm a writer.

You can literally tell when a person is going on a business trip. They just have this “businessy” look about them. Yes, I made up a word. Just roll with it. πŸ˜‚ The business type of traveler is someone who seems to have a certain swag and focus that’s completely different from a vacationer. In my own observation of people traveling on this flight called life, it’s pretty obvious who’s about business and who’s trippin!

One of the hardest pills to swallow for me is that a lot of adults are not very mature. Yep! I said it. It’s alarming, but not many seem to be here to do anything more than play games. You have an overwhelming amount of men running around acting like boys and the same with women acting like little girls. It’s shocking. It’s not out of the ordinary to see a lot of people who should be serious about their future walking around acting like this is all a joke. You got people out here not using their words. Adults these days don’t communicate their feelings like grown ups. Instead, many resort to backstabbing, gossip and passive aggressive tactics to get their point across. When did this happen? When did it become the norm? To tell everyone how you feel about something except the person who you need to talk to? When did adults start failing so miserably in the area of adulting?

People don’t simply say no when they don’t want to participate in something anymore. Instead they resort to sabotage and covert aggressive behavior in order to say they are not willing to comply. Silence has now become the most common “adult” method used when someone is not happy about something. Makes you wonder what happen to the kind of adults who said how they felt and moved on to more important things? If you asked me, our society is in big trouble if the “grown ups” aren’t able to actually be grown up when it comes to simple everyday life issues. Truth is, disagreeing with someone doesn’t mean they have to become your enemy. Not wanting to participate in something doesn’t mean you need to resort to childish behavior. At the end of the day, if any of us here on this flight called life are going to go great places; we’ve got to learn to how to handle our business and stop trippin!

The same way you can tell when a person is all about business, it’s also extremely obvious when a person is all about monkey business! My advice to you today is check yourself! Are you an adult always caught up in he say she say? Are you still acting like a child but constantly bragging about how grown you are? My advice; Act your age, not your shoe size. There’s a lot of stuff you should be doing that will make you wiser and wealthier if you resolved to stop trippin. Aren’t you too old to always be engaging in constant petty conflict and drama? Aren’t you too old to keep playing dumb when you know good and well the way you operate is toxic? Don’t you think it’s time you admit that along with all your fake friends that there’s something off about you if you’re still drawn to that crap! It’s time to be about your business. Honestly, is the stuff you spend your time talking about and doing putting money in your bank account? If not, stop trippin. We are all older now than we have ever been. It’s time we get our business together and focus on whatever we need to get us closer to our dream destination.

Let’s go! It’s time to get your business straight and stop trippin!

Copyright ©️ 2019 Sherry Grant

#therealestlifecoach #goingplaces #travel #flying #flight #people #mentality #mindset #business #trip #trippin #destination

4 thoughts on “Business or Trippin?

  1. miriamwb says:

    Good afternoon Pastor Sherry. I’m blessed by the title alone!

    On Wed, May 29, 2019, 11:20 AM wrote:

    > posted: “You can literally tell when a person is > going on a business trip. They just have this “businessy” look about them. > Yes, I made up a word. Just roll with it. [image: πŸ˜‚] The business type > of traveler is someone who seems to have a certain swag and focus that’s > compl” >

    Liked by 1 person

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


  2. Danielle Whitehead says:

    This is πŸ”₯!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! πŸ€—βœˆοΈ


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